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Category: FILM
2020 Live FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Cyberpunk?
Cyberpunk is a literary genre that came to the forefront in the 1980s, typically characterized by protagonists living in tech-saturated hyper-real near-future worlds that had avoided self-annihilation and were in the process of reinventing themselves. See the Wikipedia entry on Cyberpunk for more info, but know that the Wikipedia entry’s assertion that cyberpunk is “dystopian” is considered by many to be wrong. Cyberpunk is not a dystopian genre, it came from a time of nuclear threat and told stories of a world that did not end in a nuclear holocaust. Cyberpunk is a genre of hope, as expressed by genre author Bruce Sterling in many interviews and a particularly engaging 2019 SXSW speech. There is a great deal of literature in this genre, and to understand it best, one should generally start reading the source material.
Can I submit a film I’ve already made?
No, you’ll need to include Required Challenge Elements in your project to keep the competition fair. These elements will not be published until the first day of the festival (see the Rules for more information). You are of course free to brainstorm ideas for what your film will be about, but starting to shoot anything before you know what the final requirements are going to be would be inadvisable.
Do I need a Hackers On Planet Earth 2020 conference ticket to participate?
No, but there is a submission fee to submit your project if you don’t have a HOPE 2020 ticket. Info about submission fees is available on the FilmFreeway Cyberpunk Now submission portal.
If you do have a HOPE 2020 ticket, the waiver form is here.
Where do the submission fees go?
The submission fees help pay for the operating costs of this year’s festival and help provide a seed fund for the next event. If we aren’t able to secure enough sponsors, the entry fees will be used to provide prizes. If you would like to help support the organization, please take a look at the festival store or consider sponsoring the event.
How do I find actors and crew to make my movie?
As long as you follow the Rules, how you produce your submission is generally up to you. One thing you are definitely allowed to do before the festival starts is to assemble your team. This is obviously complicated by the coronavirus situation. If you and your team are practicing strict social distancing, you’ll need to find actors who have access to cameras and microphones, but this also opens up opportunities. Remember that everyone who works on your project must be a volunteer, you cannot hire actors for your film, so it is advisable to start networking immediately.
How long should my film be?
There are the specific minimum and maximum lengths for the projects (based on the category to which you intend to submit) outlined in the Rules, but a good perennial rule of thumb in all storytelling and artmaking is that less is more. Within the rules, use only the amount of time absolutely necessary to tell the story. Cut on the action, get in late, and get out early. Your job as a storyteller is to hold the audience’s attention, so don’t strain yourself by trying to hold it any longer than necessary.
With all the trouble in the world right now, isn’t making movies a waste of energy and resources?
What the world needs most right now is good communication. Express your feelings, expose atrocities, share what’s wrong, and share ideas for solutions. For those of us who don’t know how to make vaccines, this might actually be the most productive thing we can do right now.
What counts as the color “blue” for the purposes of the Animation challenge’s Required Challenge Elements, and does the time limit include the Official Festival Slate segment?
With regards to “blue,” we are leaving it subjective, up to judges’ individual discretion. So, play it safe or be really really creative.
With regard to the time specified, the “first 45 seconds” and “first half” clocks begin at the beginning of the Official Festival Slate. You do not need to remove the color blue from the Official Festival Slate.
Can you provide more clarity on what the definition of holding a flashlight backward is for the Drama challenge requirement?
This could be interpreted as the beam pointing behind the person holding the flashlight, or alternatively it could mean someone gripping the flashlight with the beam pointing the opposite direction from their fingers but being unrelated to the direction they are facing. Basically, it could go either way, illuminating behind the character, or gripping the tool backward and pointing the beam forward.
For the Found Footage challenge, can you provide your own soundtrack over the video footage, or does all the sound need to be from the found pieces?
Only video clips need to come from The soundtrack could be fully original or a mashup, as long as it conforms to the rest of the rules (i.e. not someone else’s material unless you have their permission or it’s public domain).
If you’re working on another challenge (say, experimental), does all the found footage need to come from or can it come from creative commons? Or, if you’re not in the found footage challenge does that mean no film from sources other than what you film yourself?
All found footage for the Found Footage Challenge must come from, it is essentially a scavenger hunt with a limited search area.
Rules excerpt:
The sole exemption to the valid production period rule for when content may be recorded applies to Public Domain footage acquired from The Internet Archive. Use of Public Domain footage must be disclosed in a log, as detailed in the Category-Specific Requirements for the Found Footage challenge category.You may apply this Found Footage specification to the Experimental category if you wish.
Note that Creative Commons and Public Domain are not the same. Footage with a Creative Commons license which is not in the Public Domain should not be included in your project.
Footage with a Creative Commons Attribution license may be used in both the Found Footage and Experimental categories.
The Creative Commons Sharealike and Creative Commons Non-Commercial licenses are not sufficient for use in the competition.
What file format do I need to submit?
Projects should be uploaded in either 720p or 1080p resolution with h.264 codec as MPEG4 files (MPEG wrapper, not Quicktime) via the FilmFreeway submission portal at
The file should really not be larger than 1GB.
The Rules section states that “After your submission has been uploaded, you should receive a request from Festival Organizers to download the video through the FilmFreeway system” – I have submitted my project earlier today but still didn’t get this one. When should I expect it?
The download requests are triggered manually by organizers, so there will be a delay between your submission and the arrival of the download request.
If you have not received a download request by 7am EDT on July 31st, contact the Festival Organizers in the Rules channel on the festival Discord server. Let them know the time you submitted, submission title, and if you have a tracking number (looks like CPNFF_####).
2020 Live Cyberpunk Short Film Competition
Cyberpunk Now Film Festival
live media hackathonJuly 25-August 2, 2020
part of the Hackers on Planet Earth 2020 Conference
Views the films below.
2020 Cyberpunk Now Live Film Festival Conditions
Top Winners
Grand Prize: “Cyber Boogie Shakedown”
Most Cyberpunk: “Baud Zero Signifier”
Get notified when we do another event here.
Cyberspace Is Where We…
Filmmaker: Ben Combee
Submitted to: Found Footage (Winner)
basicly-go-forth [sic]
Filmmakers: strick yak, cujo bird
Submitted to: Experimental (Winner)
Filmmakers: Adelle Lin, Moheeb Zara, Sophi Kravitz
Submitted to: Experimental
Baud Zero Signifier
Filmmakers: Aleksandar Bradic, Bogdan Rosu
Submitted to: Experimental, Animation (Winner)
Most Cyberpunk Award
Project Brain States
Filmmakers: Scott Blaszak, Nora Gibson, Pam Selle
Submitted to: Found Footage
Cyber Boogie Shakedown
Filmmakers: Cory McElrea, Krystal Pohaku
Submitted to: Drama (Winner)
Grand Prize Winner
Last Res0rt’s PikLok Shorts
Filmmaker: Raye Keslensky
Submitted to: Animation
2020 Live Festival Judges
Matt Brown
TK Lorell
Beth Braunstein
Jason Scott
2020 Live Festival Organizers
Charles Beckwith
Jonn Nubian
Rob Sanchez
2020 Live – Required Challenge Elements
Greetings, Filmmakers.
The Required Challenge Elements are meant to level the playing field, not to restrict your ability to tell the story you wish to tell. If you have any questions or need clarification, please feel free to ask the organizers for help in the Rules channel on the festival’s Discord server.
In addition to all conditions specified in the Official Rules of the competition, the Required Challenge Elements for the various challenge categories of the 2020 Cyberpunk Now Film Festival are as follows.
Required Challenge Elements By Challenge Category
If a project submitted to the Animation category is less than two (2) minutes long, the color blue and its many shades may not appear in the first forty-five (45) seconds of the film.
If a project submitted to the Animation category is more than two (2) minutes long, the color blue and its many shades may not appear in the first half of the film’s total running time.
For all projects submitted to the Animation category, participants should prepare a mock cover of a relatively well-known independently published hacker or digital counter-culture publication, such as 2600, Phrack, PoC||GTFO, Hack-Tic, Mondo 2000, Blacklisted 411, etc. Do not use a publication currently owned by a conglomerate, such as Wired. The magazine cover and its title should appear clearly in the foreground of a shot for at least 4 seconds.
For all projects submitted to the Comedy category, participants should prepare a mock cover of a relatively well-known independently published hacker or digital counter-culture publication, such as 2600, Phrack, PoC||GTFO, Hack-Tic, Mondo 2000, Blacklisted 411, etc. Do not use a publication currently owned by a conglomerate, such as Wired. The magazine cover should appear clearly in the foreground of a shot for at least 4 seconds.
All projects submitted to the Comedy category should include at least one reference spoken in dialogue to “the Woz event.” This may be explained or dropped. You are not being asked to reference a specific real-life event, you may define it as you see fit. Merely including the line on a title card or in a voiceover is not sufficient to fulfill this requirement, it must be used in a scene.
All projects submitted to the Comedy category should include the spoken dialogue line, “Do I look like Keanu?” Merely including the line on a title card or in a voiceover is not sufficient to fulfill this requirement, it must be used in a scene.
In projects submitted to the Drama category, the number “6-5000” (spoken as: “six five thousand”) should appear prominently in the foreground of a shot for at least four (4) seconds or be spoken clearly in dialogue by a main character while they are on screen. Merely including the number on a title card or in a voiceover is not sufficient to fulfill this requirement, it must be used in a scene.
In projects submitted to the Drama category, a character must appear on-screen holding a flashlight backward and be seen turning the flashlight on and off.
All projects submitted to the Drama category should include the spoken dialogue line, “The _____ must flow.” Fill in the blank with any word other than “spice.” Merely including the line on a title card or in a voiceover is not sufficient to fulfill this requirement, it must be used in a scene.
Found Footage
If you are submitting a project to the Found Footage category, you must comply with at least one option from the following four available requirements.
Found Footage Option #1: CONSPIRACY!
Produce a mockumentary from the year 2030 using evidence retrieved from to tie famed architect and futurist Buckminster Fuller to the downfall of an ancient secret organization during a “manufactured crisis” in 2020. Reveal the conspiracy, bring light to the lies!
Found Footage Option #2: CORDED!
Include at least six shots of people holding corded telephones in your project. Include at least one shot of a phone booth. These shots must be at least 3 seconds long each.
Found Footage Option #3: READ ALL ABOUT IT!
Open and close your project on images of newspapers, and show at least one clip of someone reading a newspaper. Remember though, this still needs to be a cyberpunk-themed film, be creative.
Found Footage Option #4: DAMNATION!
Use at least 30 seconds of archival footage of religious cults in your project.
If you are submitting a project to the Educational category, you must comply with at least one option from the following four available requirements.
Educational Option #1: TIME CAPSULE?
Produce a demonstration meant for people 50 years in the future, detailing how a technology we take for granted today functions and is used in everyday life. Assume this technology will be obsolete and essentially forgotten when the project is screened in 50 years.
Educational Option #2: GREEN! PURPLE! DARKNESS?
At least one actor must speak dialogue on the screen while wearing a green shirt and holding some object that is purple. At least one different actor must appear on screen wearing a purple shirt and holding a green sign. The sign’s content is up to you. Your final shot before the end credits should be of a light being turned off.
Educational Option #3: DRONE ON?
Open and close your project with original footage from a drone. At some point in the film, someone should hold up a pair of goggles (any kind of goggles).
Educational Option #4: SMALL AND MIGHTY?
Tell the story of contagion from the virus’s perspective. This does not necessarily need to be the focus of the entire film, but there should be a clear connection if you are also telling other stories.
Projects submitted to the Experimental category must include two audio clips from the hacker radio show Off The Hook. Recordings of the show are available as MP3 files from Clips used may not include background music. You must provide a URL to the source audio file and time code or the source of the clip when you submit your film. Both clips must each be at least 3 seconds long.
Example Release Forms
These release forms are meant as examples of what is typically used in similar competitions. They have not been fully vetted for multi-state or international use, and local laws may affect their effectiveness or validity in your area. Use them at your own risk. When in doubt, consult a legal professional.
Talent Release Form Example
short film talent release (.txt)
short film talent release (.pdf)
Music Release Form Example
short film music release (.txt)
short film music release (.pdf)
Footage Log Example
Below is a footage log format example for the Found Footage challenge.
Provide a log of clips in your project, along with URLs for the sources on You don’t have to match this format exactly, but this is generally what we’re looking for. If you have any questions, please contact the Festival Staff in the Rules channel on the festival Discord server.
Submit the completed log as .txt or .rtf file in the Files and Attachments section when uploading your project in the FilmFreeway submission portal.
Remember to incorporate the Official Festival State at the beginning and to credit and any of its specific clip libraries you’ve referenced in your end titles.
Timecode is indicated in MM:SS (minutes:seconds) format.
TEAM NAME: (optional)
00:00 – BLACK
00:12 – BLACK00:15 – OPENING TITLE SEQUENCE (*opening titles are optional – you don’t have to include opening titles, just the official slate segment*)
public domain clip “Sleep for Health”
Library: Encyclopaedia Britannica Films
SEGMENT: 02:58 to 03:05 (*this is the time code for where the segment you’ve used is located in the archival source clip*)00:47
public domain clip “Joan Avoida A Cold”
Library: Coronet Instructional Films
incorporated segment: 01:15 to 02:0401:36 – END CREDITS SEQUENCE (*end credits are required – see note above*)
01:45 – BLACK
Cyberpunk Now Film Festival in the press…
AdaFruit Blog! –
YRB Magazine!
AdaFruit Blog!
Press Contact:
Press Release Announcing Cyberpunk Now Film Festival 2020
NEW YORK, JULY 7, 2020 – Cyberpunk Inc. today announced The Cyberpunk Now Film Festival, an all-new five-day media production hackathon, which is part of the Hackers on Planet Earth 2020 Conference. Hackers on Planet Earth (HOPE) is one of the largest and longest-running hacker community events in the world, typically attracting thousands of attendees in New York City, gone virtual this summer courtesy of coronavirus.
“It seems like we’re currently living in the overturned tech-saturated hyper-real world predicted by the cyberpunk literature of the 80s and 90s,” said Cyberpunk Inc. CEO Charles Beckwith. “This is a part of HOPE, so we ask our other participants, can you make a better cyberpunk short film than a bunch of real hackers? At a time when people are eager to connect after months of being locked down, and the usual ‘hacker summer camp’ events are postponed, we’re taking the creative spirit of cyberpunk and the DIY spirit of the hacker community and giving it all a spin with a top-secret challenge, so everyone can come together and enjoy the sense of connection found by making and watching movies.”
The Cyberpunk Now Film Festival will kick off on Thursday, July 25. Participants will have five days to team up, brainstorm, write, produce, edit, finish, and upload their finished films to the submission portal by the deadline July 30th. The full programming line-up and ticket information will be announced in the coming weeks.
Winners will be screened as they are announced in a HOPE 2020 conference video feed, with the Grand Prize winner being announced during the conference’s Closing Ceremonies on August 2, 2020. For the latest updates, please visit
About Cyberpunk Inc.
Cyberpunk Inc. is a cultural events business founded by entertainment industry professionals.Contact: -
2020 Live Prizes
Challenge Categories
Challenge Category (Animation, Comedy, Drama, Educational, Experimental, and Found Footage) award winners will receive a prize sourced partially from submission fee proceeds. If more teams enter the competition, the Challenge Category prizes will be larger.
Off The Hook co-host, Rob T. Firefly (visual artist Rob Vincent) will create an original digital artwork inspired by the award-winning entry in each Challenge Category.
Most Cyberpunk
The Most Cyberpunk award is sponsored by R. Talsorian Games. This prize will remain secret until the winner is announced. How exactly you win this particular prize will likely not be disclosed, even to the festival’s regular judges.
Grand Prize
The Grand Prize includes a $600 credit in The 2600 Store, furnished by 2600 Magazine: The Hacker Quarterly, and is expected to grow as we add more sponsors to the event.